Worried about Rising Costs And Low Returns On Your Savings?
Like everything else, the price of funerals keeps rising so paying in advance is a sensible decision that will save money, benefitting your family or estate.
A Funeral Plan also relieves your family of any worries and uncertainty at what will inevitably be a distressing time.
Worried about Long Term Care?
One in four women and one in six men may require some form of Long Term Care yet thousands of homes are sold each year to pay for such care.
Effective Planning Is The Key
We will highlight the threats, clarify your position in relation to them and help you plan ahead to preserve your wealth and the value of your home.
Worried about Inheritance Tax?
If the value of your estate is above a certain level, Inheritance Tax is potentially payable on your Estate – you are then taxed at 40% on everything you own – your home, possessions, savings and investments both in the UK and overseas.
The good news is that if you plan ahead, use your annual allowances, personal reliefs, and have an appropriate Will, you can significantly reduce your Inheritance Tax liability.
This does not necessarily mean losing control or giving assets away during your lifetime.
We will advise you of the options available and help you find the right solution to achieve what you wish for those you leave behind.
For further information simply call 01452-813145 or email enquiries@tl-ls.co.uk